Staying Safe During Summer

 Summertime is a wonderful time of year. The weather affords us the luxury of spending time outside but, like with everything there are precautions we all need to take to ensure that the fun does not turn into concerns. With the arrival of August this is the time of the year when the sun is very bright, nights are warm, weather conditions can turn on a dime and soaring temperatures can be hazardous.

“The team at Gold Medal Home Health stays alert and concerned that our individuals’ activities of daily living needs are met inside and outside the home,” said Robin DeAngelo, Director of Operations, Gold Medal Home Health. “This requires that our caregivers are prepared and armed with strong care giving skills as well as being alert to situations and conditions that can affect their individuals that occur outdoors.” 

When it’s hot there are a few things to remember including: wear sunscreen (with your sunglasses and sun hat), keep cool (stay inside in air-conditioning or an area cooled by a fan), stay hydrated (drink water or electrolyte drinks), beware of harmful plants (poison ivy, oak or sumac can cause allergic reactions),  use insect repellent (all the summer rains attract mosquitos and ticks hide in grass) and,  keep your food refrigerated or in a cooler (the Centers for Disease Control reports that food poisoning happens most often in the summer).

It is also important to watch the weather because it can change very quickly this time of year when temps vary from hot to cool with high humidity. According to the National Weather Service and the Farmers’ Almanac in the height of the summer it’s important to be alert and know what to do when sudden weather changes occur. Here are some great tips to remember:

  • Heatwaves are Dangerous (our bodies take time to cool down when overheated).

  •  When Thunder Roars, Go Indoors (lightning strikes can be fatal).

  • Turn around, Don’t Drown (pop up torrential rains can result in flash flooding).

  • Heed Lifeguards’ Warnings (rip currents can be deadly).

  •  Be Fire Wise and Fire-Safe (wildfires occur when it’s very dry; know a route out)

  •  Watch Air Quality (if poor avoid prolonged and extreme exertion outdoors)

Taking necessary precautions and being alert will ensure that your outdoor ventures for the remainder of the summer are safe and enjoyable. “Everyone at Gold Medal Home Health wants our families to get outside and move around but keep in mind that many summer activities carry health risks which you can avoid with a little planning. Have fun!” added Robin.

Happy August to all and remember pumpkin time is just around the corner!


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