Your Guide to a Stress-Less Holiday
As the song goes, “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year” but, the preparations can be the cause of anxiety. If you are feeling pressure due to all the things on your to-do list such as events, family gatherings, baking, shopping, etc. understand that you are in good company.
As recently reported on WTOP in Washington, DC, a recent Sesame, Inc. survey of 500 participants conducted found that 67% of survey participants said their holiday stress levels were moderate to extreme, which is less than a year ago yet, still significant. The reasons for the stress include tension from family, friends, and kids; the cost of things today; traveling; obligations to host celebrations; FOMO (fear of missing out); and, missing those no longer with us. If you relate to any of these triggers we at Gold Medal Home Health found some tips to help make your holidays a little easier and enjoyable.
First recognize stress symptoms. These intruders can manifest in fatigue, insomnia, headaches, depression, and irritability. The AANMC (Association of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Colleges) has five tips to manage stress that we want to share with you.
1. Plan Ahead
‘Everything is in the planning’ is very true and good advice. Start thinking early about all you want to accomplish and in the long run this will save you time and money. If shopping is not your thing, find alternatives to gifts like spending time with friends and family and bringing something homemade.
2. Schedule Alone Time
Research shows that a healthy amount of solitude decreases stress, increases creativity, and improves overall wellbeing. It’s ok to step away for a bit to take a deep breath, take a walk, collect your thoughts, or read a book.
3. Don’t Say Yes to Everything
This time of year can be stock full of invitations. You don’t have to attend every event. Pick and choose only the ones that you can handle. To avoid burnout, recognize your energy level so not to do so much that you become overtired and resentful.
4. Eat Well
Not easy to do this time of year with all the goodies that are around. So, between the homemade treats eat a balanced diet and drink plenty of water which has been shown to improve one’s mood and decrease stress.
5. Make Financial Boundaries
Now is the time to create a reasonable budget and keep to it! Consider setting a spending limit which will ensure that gifts given and received are balanced and not overboard. If you have a big family or many friends, have everyone draw a name and then you’ll only be responsible for one present rather than 25. This is an easy solution for you and won’t put a strain on your pocketbook.
This time of year is meant to be joyful, fun, and memorable. Try these tips and don’t forget about taking time for yourself and doing only things that you can manage. Enjoy the holiday season!